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8月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

Clever Rabbit and the lion

Clever Rabbit led Lion to the deep, wide river. "He lives in there," said Clever Rabbit. Lion looked into the water. Another lion looked back. Lion leaped at the lion in the water... and was swept away. The Rabbit was so clever. I think it is good that he didn't kill the lion. Clever Rabbit and the Lion 著者 : Not Known Usborne 発売日 : 2011-07-01 ブクログでレビューを見る»

How elephants lost their wings

"We must stop them," said the gods, and they thought of a trick. The gods took away their wings. They gave them to the peacocks and the banana trees. I'm interested in this because I've never think if elephants have wings. How Elephants Lost Their Wings [並行輸入品] 著者 : does not apply Usborne Books 発売日 : 2007-01-25 ブクログでレビューを見る»