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10月, 2019の投稿を表示しています

Bad Love

My favorite phrase is "Jack was a ladies' man." I don't understand this meaning first, so I researched it. It means "Jack likes women, he is bad behaver when he is with women." It is the most interesting phrase for me. I surprised the fact that Sandy was not killer. She hated Jack Daly, but she didn't...

Inspector Logan

First I read this book, I think Mrs. Margaret only went out and everyone didn't know that. Mr.Robert said that "We are very happy,". So I didn't suspect him. I wonder if the man who has driven a blue car is murder. Because she wore the same clothes her husband told inspector. But it was wrong. The murder was her husband!! he told lie they were happy.

John Doe

This story is about murder mystery. John Doe named by Dr.Cox was so creepy. The best creepy situation is the word association game. Because, the nurse said 'female', John replied 'die'. It suggest that he killed someone and was going to kill this nurse. If the doctor didn't call the ditective, the nurse was... I didn't imagine after this.